iOS Portfolio

Hi, I’m Monty Harper. I’m an iOS developer. I learned Swift in order to make a calendar app for my mom, who struggles with time due to her temporal lobe epilepsy. I built the app around a unique UI that helps her visualize “now” in relation to upcoming events. 

I love developing a great user experience, so I strive to create apps that are helpful, robust, and easy to work with.

I'm writing about my iOS learning journey on



Monty Harper, iOS Developer

Featured App: "TARDIS" Calendar

I designed this calendar for my mom, whose cognitive impairment makes her struggle with time. Her caregivers love it, and she does not like to be without it!


  • Events are presented linearly in relation to “Now.”
  • Event icons indicate the type of each event.
  • Background color gradients indicate daylight, nighttime, sunrise, and sunset.
  • Caregivers can easily add and edit events from their own devices.

Technical Details

  • Built using SwiftUI, EventKit, CoreData, UserDefaults, JSON, and RESTful API.
  • Custom one-finger zoom gesture makes it easy for those who struggle with the “pinch.”
  • Custom MarqueeView presents current information as scrolling text.
  • Custom HorizontalLayout allows for dynamic display of time marker labels.

100Days of SwiftUI, currently studying

Day 35 Challenge - Multiplication Practice

My Unique Features

  • Colorful buttons allow user to select any combination of times tables to practice.
  • Best times are persisted for each unique game setting.

What I Learned

  • How to use state to move a game through different modes - setup, gameplay, and results.
  • When Buttons are generated by ForEach in an HStack inside a Form without a .buttonStyle modifier,  strange things can happen! I submitted my first Developer Feedback to Apple about this.

iOS Developer Nanodegree from Udacity, completed December 2023

Assignment 5: Virtual Tourist

My Unique Features

  • Searches widening areas to find the closest possible photos.
  • Pins are labeled with a nearby point of interest or with the most specific available geographic region.
  • Number of photos is shown on each pin.
  • Tap a pin to see photos, long press to delete the pin.
  • Tap to remove a photo, long press to see detail view.

What I Learned and Used

  • UIKit / MapKit
  • Persistence using CoreData
  • Gesture delegate methods